Online accounting software Xero Singapore has officially announced cooperation and integration with Storecove, The only e-Invoicing Access Point certified in every Peppol jurisdiction - Singapore, the European Union, Australia, and New Zealand. Xero is the world-leading online accounting software built for small businesses. They got tools for managing invoicing, bank…
3 posts tagged
Customer Reviews
How Vattenfall easily simplified their invoicing process
"How Vattenfall easily simplified their invoicing process." Many SME entrepreneurs want to receive invoices directly into their accounting software. But, from an economic perspective, making electronic invoices suitable for thirty to forty different packages is not an option. Energy supplier Nuon / Vattenfall was looking for a solution. PEPPOL…
Eneco about e-invoicing: "Less manual work, fewer errors, and faster payments”
E-invoicing is gaining in popularity. Partially due to statutory obligations but also because there are gains to be made: "It's going to spread like an oil spill. The market demands it.” Ilse Bouwman, Customer Service Manager at Eneco, has noticed this growing interest in e-invoicing. This is…